I am currently seeking my masters degree in Electrical Engineering from University of Arizona and have a Bachelors in Computer Science from University of Illinois Springfield

13 Years of service in the United States Air Force as an Active Duty Enlisted Weatherman.

Passionate about innovation.

Note* DieselX is a pseudonym used on my github

Make it happen

  • Experience working with RF systems designs including PLL design, antenna patches, and impedance matching.

  • Developed SPI Routing Controller with HID interface so you can upload firmware you your device with ease without the use of expensive and cumbersome JTAG programming devices

  • In my premium package expand your application to include Gigabytes of fast SDRAM memory accessible over DMA

  • Experience developing devices with connectivity in mind including Bluetooth and WiFi capabilities.

Let me help your organization innovate and solidfy itself as a worldclass competitor